Measuring disproportionality



# D'Hondt / Jefferson method
obj1 <- prcalc(jp_lower_2021_en, 
               m = c(8, 13, 19, 22, 17, 11, 21, 28, 11, 6, 20), 
               method = "dt")

# Hare-Niemeyer method
obj2 <- prcalc(jp_lower_2021_en, 
               m = c(8, 13, 19, 22, 17, 11, 21, 28, 11, 6, 20), 
               method = "hare")

# Sainte-Laguë / Webster method
obj3 <- prcalc(jp_lower_2021_en, 
               m = c(8, 13, 19, 22, 17, 11, 21, 28, 11, 6, 20), 
               method = "sl")

list("Jefferson" = obj1,
     "Hare"      = obj2,
     "Webster"   = obj3) |> 
  compare() |> 
  print(use_gt = TRUE)
Party Jefferson Hare Webster
LDP 67 62 63
NKP 24 23 24
CDP 40 36 36
JCP 10 13 13
JIP 26 26 26
DPP 5 8 7
SDP 0 1 1
Reiwa 4 7 6
NHK 0 0 0
SSN 0 0 0
JFP 0 0 0
Yamato 0 0 0
Corona 0 0 0

Calculation of disproportionality indices.

  • Some parameters are required for calculation of indices. Default is 2.
    • k:For Generalized Gallagher
    • eta:For Atkinson
    • alpha:For \(\alpha\)-divergence
index1 <- index(obj1) # k = 2; eta = 2; alpha = 2
            ID                         Index   Value
1       dhondt                       D’Hondt 1.13647
2       monroe                        Monroe 0.05321
3       maxdev    Maximum Absolute Deviation 0.03413
4     mm_ratio                 Max-Min ratio     Inf
5          rae                           Rae 0.01256
6           lh             Loosemore & Hanby 0.08162
7      grofman                       Grofman 0.03335
8     lijphart                      Lijphart 0.03071
9    gallagher                     Gallagher 0.04129
10 g_gallagher         Generalized Gallagher 0.04129
11       gatev                         Gatev 0.08744
12    ryabtsev                      Ryabtsev 0.06195
13      szalai                        Szalai 0.68738
14    w_szalai               Weighted Szalai 0.15384
15          ap          Aleskerov & Platonov 1.09773
16        gini                          Gini 0.07989
17    atkinson                      Atkinson 1.00000
18          sl                  Sainte-Laguë 0.05825
19          cs                 Cox & Shugart 1.13266
20      farina                        Farina 0.10153
21      ortona                        Ortona 0.12490
22          cd          Cosine Dissimilarity 0.00417
23          rr Lebeda’s RR (Mixture D’Hondt) 0.12008
24         arr                  Lebeda’s ARR 0.00924
25         srr                  Lebeda’s SRR 0.04488
26        wdrr                 Lebeda’s WDRR 0.09444
27          kl     Kullback-Leibler Surprise 0.04684
28          lr    Likelihood Ratio Statistic     Inf
29       chisq                   Chi Squared 0.03308
30   hellinger            Hellinger Distance 0.14218
31          ad              alpha-Divergence 0.02912
index2 <- index(obj1, alpha = 1) # k = 2; eta = 2; alpha = 1
            ID                         Index   Value
1       dhondt                       D’Hondt 1.13647
2       monroe                        Monroe 0.05321
3       maxdev    Maximum Absolute Deviation 0.03413
4     mm_ratio                 Max-Min ratio     Inf
5          rae                           Rae 0.01256
6           lh             Loosemore & Hanby 0.08162
7      grofman                       Grofman 0.03335
8     lijphart                      Lijphart 0.03071
9    gallagher                     Gallagher 0.04129
10 g_gallagher         Generalized Gallagher 0.04129
11       gatev                         Gatev 0.08744
12    ryabtsev                      Ryabtsev 0.06195
13      szalai                        Szalai 0.68738
14    w_szalai               Weighted Szalai 0.15384
15          ap          Aleskerov & Platonov 1.09773
16        gini                          Gini 0.07989
17    atkinson                      Atkinson 1.00000
18          sl                  Sainte-Laguë 0.05825
19          cs                 Cox & Shugart 1.13266
20      farina                        Farina 0.10153
21      ortona                        Ortona 0.12490
22          cd          Cosine Dissimilarity 0.00417
23          rr Lebeda’s RR (Mixture D’Hondt) 0.12008
24         arr                  Lebeda’s ARR 0.00924
25         srr                  Lebeda’s SRR 0.04488
26        wdrr                 Lebeda’s WDRR 0.09444
27          kl     Kullback-Leibler Surprise 0.04684
28          lr    Likelihood Ratio Statistic     Inf
29       chisq                   Chi Squared 0.03308
30   hellinger            Hellinger Distance 0.14218
31          ad              alpha-Divergence 0.04684


You can extract specific indices using [ operator.

# Extract Gallagher index.
# Extract Gallagher index and alpha-divergence.
index1[c("gallagher", "ad")]
 gallagher         ad 
0.04128719 0.02912491 

The identifiers for each indicator are as follows:

Error in gt(tibble(ID = attr(index1, "names"), Name = attr(index1, "labels"))): could not find function "gt"

The subset argument of print() function can be used to output the result in a tabular format.

# Extract a subset of indices.
print(index1, subset = c("dhondt", "gallagher", "lh", "ad"))
         ID             Index  Value
1    dhondt           D’Hondt 1.1365
2        lh Loosemore & Hanby 0.0816
3 gallagher         Gallagher 0.0413
4        ad  alpha-Divergence 0.0291

The hide_id argument can also be used to hide the ID column.

# Hide ID column.
      subset  = c("dhondt", "gallagher", "lh", "ad"),
      hide_id = TRUE)
              Index  Value
1           D’Hondt 1.1365
2 Loosemore & Hanby 0.0816
3         Gallagher 0.0413
4  alpha-Divergence 0.0291

The use_gt argument can be used to print results using {gt} package.

# Use {gt} package
      subset  = c("dhondt", "gallagher", "lh", "ad"),
      hide_id = TRUE,
      use_gt  = TRUE)
Index Value
D’Hondt 1.136
Loosemore & Hanby 0.082
Gallagher 0.041
alpha-Divergence 0.047


Don't know how to automatically pick scale for object of type <prcalc_index>.
Defaulting to continuous.

plot(index2, style = "lollipop") # lollipop chart
Don't know how to automatically pick scale for object of type <prcalc_index>.
Defaulting to continuous.

plot(index2, index = c("dhondt", "gallagher", "lh", "ad"))
Don't know how to automatically pick scale for object of type <prcalc_index>.
Defaulting to continuous.


compare(list(index(obj1), index(obj2), index(obj3)))
            ID                         Index  Model1   Model2  Model3
1       dhondt                       D’Hondt 1.13647 1.055589 1.10148
2       monroe                        Monroe 0.05321 0.020396 0.02505
3       maxdev    Maximum Absolute Deviation 0.03413 0.013865 0.01387
4     mm_ratio                 Max-Min ratio     Inf      Inf     Inf
5          rae                           Rae 0.01256 0.004263 0.00577
6           lh             Loosemore & Hanby 0.08162 0.027708 0.03753
7      grofman                       Grofman 0.03335 0.011323 0.01534
8     lijphart                      Lijphart 0.03071 0.005143 0.00798
9    gallagher                     Gallagher 0.04129 0.015827 0.01944
10 g_gallagher         Generalized Gallagher 0.04129 0.015827 0.01944
11       gatev                         Gatev 0.08744 0.034607 0.04227
12    ryabtsev                      Ryabtsev 0.06195 0.024478 0.02990
13      szalai                        Szalai 0.68738 0.636499 0.63706
14    w_szalai               Weighted Szalai 0.15384 0.105784 0.10847
15          ap          Aleskerov & Platonov 1.09773 1.029574 1.04611
16        gini                          Gini 0.07989 0.032180 0.04213
17    atkinson                      Atkinson 1.00000 1.000000 1.00000
18          sl                  Sainte-Laguë 0.05825 0.024911 0.02720
19          cs                 Cox & Shugart 1.13266 1.035874 1.05312
20      farina                        Farina 0.10153 0.047980 0.05482
21      ortona                        Ortona 0.12490 0.042402 0.05743
22          cd          Cosine Dissimilarity 0.00417 0.000932 0.00122
23          rr Lebeda’s RR (Mixture D’Hondt) 0.12008 0.052662 0.09213
24         arr                  Lebeda’s ARR 0.00924 0.004051 0.00709
25         srr                  Lebeda’s SRR 0.04488 0.023669 0.03500
26        wdrr                 Lebeda’s WDRR 0.09444 0.036026 0.05573
27          kl     Kullback-Leibler Surprise 0.04684 0.021767 0.02292
28          lr    Likelihood Ratio Statistic     Inf      Inf     Inf
29       chisq                   Chi Squared 0.03308 0.026543 0.02888
30   hellinger            Hellinger Distance 0.14218 0.098133 0.09959
31          ad              alpha-Divergence 0.02912 0.012455 0.01360
compare(list("D'Hondt"      = index(obj1), 
             "Hare"         = index(obj2), 
             "Sainte-Laguë" = index(obj3)))
            ID                         Index D'Hondt     Hare Sainte-Laguë
1       dhondt                       D’Hondt 1.13647 1.055589      1.10148
2       monroe                        Monroe 0.05321 0.020396      0.02505
3       maxdev    Maximum Absolute Deviation 0.03413 0.013865      0.01387
4     mm_ratio                 Max-Min ratio     Inf      Inf          Inf
5          rae                           Rae 0.01256 0.004263      0.00577
6           lh             Loosemore & Hanby 0.08162 0.027708      0.03753
7      grofman                       Grofman 0.03335 0.011323      0.01534
8     lijphart                      Lijphart 0.03071 0.005143      0.00798
9    gallagher                     Gallagher 0.04129 0.015827      0.01944
10 g_gallagher         Generalized Gallagher 0.04129 0.015827      0.01944
11       gatev                         Gatev 0.08744 0.034607      0.04227
12    ryabtsev                      Ryabtsev 0.06195 0.024478      0.02990
13      szalai                        Szalai 0.68738 0.636499      0.63706
14    w_szalai               Weighted Szalai 0.15384 0.105784      0.10847
15          ap          Aleskerov & Platonov 1.09773 1.029574      1.04611
16        gini                          Gini 0.07989 0.032180      0.04213
17    atkinson                      Atkinson 1.00000 1.000000      1.00000
18          sl                  Sainte-Laguë 0.05825 0.024911      0.02720
19          cs                 Cox & Shugart 1.13266 1.035874      1.05312
20      farina                        Farina 0.10153 0.047980      0.05482
21      ortona                        Ortona 0.12490 0.042402      0.05743
22          cd          Cosine Dissimilarity 0.00417 0.000932      0.00122
23          rr Lebeda’s RR (Mixture D’Hondt) 0.12008 0.052662      0.09213
24         arr                  Lebeda’s ARR 0.00924 0.004051      0.00709
25         srr                  Lebeda’s SRR 0.04488 0.023669      0.03500
26        wdrr                 Lebeda’s WDRR 0.09444 0.036026      0.05573
27          kl     Kullback-Leibler Surprise 0.04684 0.021767      0.02292
28          lr    Likelihood Ratio Statistic     Inf      Inf          Inf
29       chisq                   Chi Squared 0.03308 0.026543      0.02888
30   hellinger            Hellinger Distance 0.14218 0.098133      0.09959
31          ad              alpha-Divergence 0.02912 0.012455      0.01360
compare(list("D'Hondt"      = index(obj1), 
             "Hare"         = index(obj2), 
             "Sainte-Laguë" = index(obj3)))|> 
  print(hide_id = TRUE)
                           Index D'Hondt     Hare Sainte-Laguë
1                        D’Hondt 1.13647 1.055589      1.10148
2                         Monroe 0.05321 0.020396      0.02505
3     Maximum Absolute Deviation 0.03413 0.013865      0.01387
4                  Max-Min ratio     Inf      Inf          Inf
5                            Rae 0.01256 0.004263      0.00577
6              Loosemore & Hanby 0.08162 0.027708      0.03753
7                        Grofman 0.03335 0.011323      0.01534
8                       Lijphart 0.03071 0.005143      0.00798
9                      Gallagher 0.04129 0.015827      0.01944
10         Generalized Gallagher 0.04129 0.015827      0.01944
11                         Gatev 0.08744 0.034607      0.04227
12                      Ryabtsev 0.06195 0.024478      0.02990
13                        Szalai 0.68738 0.636499      0.63706
14               Weighted Szalai 0.15384 0.105784      0.10847
15          Aleskerov & Platonov 1.09773 1.029574      1.04611
16                          Gini 0.07989 0.032180      0.04213
17                      Atkinson 1.00000 1.000000      1.00000
18                  Sainte-Laguë 0.05825 0.024911      0.02720
19                 Cox & Shugart 1.13266 1.035874      1.05312
20                        Farina 0.10153 0.047980      0.05482
21                        Ortona 0.12490 0.042402      0.05743
22          Cosine Dissimilarity 0.00417 0.000932      0.00122
23 Lebeda’s RR (Mixture D’Hondt) 0.12008 0.052662      0.09213
24                  Lebeda’s ARR 0.00924 0.004051      0.00709
25                  Lebeda’s SRR 0.04488 0.023669      0.03500
26                 Lebeda’s WDRR 0.09444 0.036026      0.05573
27     Kullback-Leibler Surprise 0.04684 0.021767      0.02292
28    Likelihood Ratio Statistic     Inf      Inf          Inf
29                   Chi Squared 0.03308 0.026543      0.02888
30            Hellinger Distance 0.14218 0.098133      0.09959
31              alpha-Divergence 0.02912 0.012455      0.01360
compare(list("D'Hondt"      = index(obj1), 
             "Hare"         = index(obj2), 
             "Sainte-Laguë" = index(obj3))) |> 
  print(subset  = c("dhondt", "gallagher", "lh", "ad"),
        hide_id = TRUE,
        use_gt  = TRUE)
Index D'Hondt Hare Sainte-Laguë
D’Hondt 1.136 1.056 1.101
Loosemore & Hanby 0.082 0.028 0.038
Gallagher 0.041 0.016 0.019
alpha-Divergence 0.029 0.012 0.014
compare(list("D'Hondt"      = index(obj1), 
             "Hare"         = index(obj2), 
             "Sainte-Laguë" = index(obj3))) |> 
  plot() +
  ggplot2::labs(x = "Values", y = "Indices", fill = "Method")
Don't know how to automatically pick scale for object of type <prcalc_index>.
Defaulting to continuous.

Marginal and joint distribution

For illustration purposes, we extract some parties and districts from jp_lower_2021_en and allocate seats.

tiny_data <- jp_lower_2021_en |> 
  filter(Party %in% c("LDP", "NKP", "CDP", "JCP", "JIP")) |> 
  select(Party, Tokyo, Tokai, Kinki, Kyushu)

tiny_obj <- prcalc(tiny_data, m = c(30, 20, 40, 20), method = "dt")
  Party   Tokyo   Tokai   Kinki  Kyushu   Total
1   LDP 2000084 2515841 2407699 2250966 9174590
2   NKP  715450  784976 1155683 1040756 3696865
3   CDP 1293281 1485947 1090666 1266801 5136695
4   JCP  670340  408606  736156  365658 2180760
5   JIP  858577  694630 3180219  540338 5273764

  Party Tokyo Tokai Kinki Kyushu Total
1   LDP    11     9    12      8    40
2   NKP     4     3     5      4    16
3   CDP     7     5     5      5    22
4   JCP     3     1     3      1     8
5   JIP     5     2    15      2    24

  Allocation method: D'Hondt (Jefferson) method 
  Extra parameter: 
  Threshold: 0 

 Tokyo  Tokai  Kinki Kyushu 
    30     20     40     20 

Calculating \(\alpha\)-diveregen from tiny_obj yields a result of 0.00129 (\(\alpha\) = 2). Disproportionality is calculated based on the number of votes and seats. However, if the same party spans multiple districts, the results will vary depending on how votes and seats are defined. {PRcalc} defines the number of votes and seats obtained using the marginal or simultaneous distribution of the vote and seat matrices.

Using marginal distribution of rows

When parties (level 2) span districts (level 1), as in tiny_obj, the marginal distribution of rows (level 2) can be used as the number of votes and seats. That is, the sum of the votes and seats won by each party in each district is used.

Party Tokyo Tokai Kinki Kyushu Total
LDP 2000084 2515841 2407699 2250966 9174590
NKP 715450 784976 1155683 1040756 3696865
CDP 1293281 1485947 1090666 1266801 5136695
JCP 670340 408606 736156 365658 2180760
JIP 858577 694630 3180219 540338 5273764
Total 5537732 5890000 8570423 5464519 25462674
Party Tokyo Tokai Kinki Kyushu Total
LDP 11 9 12 8 40
NKP 4 3 5 4 16
CDP 7 5 5 5 22
JCP 3 1 3 1 8
JIP 5 2 15 2 24
Total 30 20 40 20 110
Party Vote Seat
LDP 9174590 40
NKP 3696865 16
CDP 5136695 22
JCP 2180760 8
JIP 5273764 24

Use the peripheral distribution of rows by setting unit = "l2", which is the default.

index(tiny_obj, unit = "l2")["ad"]

However, if level 2 is completely nested instead of spanning level 1, then the marginalization of level 2 is meaningless. In this case, we recommend peripheral distribution of level 1 ("l1") or joint distribution ("joint").

Using marginal distribution of columns

If unit = "l1", the marginal distribution of column (level 1; in this example, district) is used as the number of votes and seats.

Party Tokyo Tokai Kinki Kyushu Total
LDP 2000084 2515841 2407699 2250966 9174590
NKP 715450 784976 1155683 1040756 3696865
CDP 1293281 1485947 1090666 1266801 5136695
JCP 670340 408606 736156 365658 2180760
JIP 858577 694630 3180219 540338 5273764
Total 5537732 5890000 8570423 5464519 25462674
Party Tokyo Tokai Kinki Kyushu Total
LDP 11 9 12 8 40
NKP 4 3 5 4 16
CDP 7 5 5 5 22
JCP 3 1 3 1 8
JIP 5 2 15 2 24
Total 30 20 40 20 110
Party Vote Seat
Tokyo 5537732 30
Tokai 5890000 20
Kinki 8570423 40
Kyushu 5464519 20
index(tiny_obj, unit = "l1")["ad"]

The \(\alpha\)-divergence in the case of marginalization in district matches the value of reapportionment-stage in decomposition.

Using joint distritubion

If unit = "joint", the votes and seats won by each party in their respective districts are used as is.

Party Tokyo Tokai Kinki Kyushu Total
LDP 2000084 2515841 2407699 2250966 9174590
NKP 715450 784976 1155683 1040756 3696865
CDP 1293281 1485947 1090666 1266801 5136695
JCP 670340 408606 736156 365658 2180760
JIP 858577 694630 3180219 540338 5273764
Total 5537732 5890000 8570423 5464519 25462674
Party Tokyo Tokai Kinki Kyushu Total
LDP 11 9 12 8 40
NKP 4 3 5 4 16
CDP 7 5 5 5 22
JCP 3 1 3 1 8
JIP 5 2 15 2 24
Total 30 20 40 20 110
Party_Pref Vote Seat
LDP_Tokyo 2000084 11
LDP_Tokai 2515841 9
LDP_Kinki 2407699 12
LDP_Kyushu 2250966 8
NKP_Tokyo 715450 4
NKP_Tokai 784976 3
NKP_Kinki 1155683 5
NKP_Kyushu 1040756 4
CDP_Tokyo 1293281 7
CDP_Tokai 1485947 5
CDP_Kinki 1090666 5
CDP_Kyushu 1266801 5
JCP_Tokyo 670340 3
JCP_Tokai 408606 1
JCP_Kinki 736156 3
JCP_Kyushu 365658 1
JIP_Tokyo 858577 5
JIP_Tokai 694630 2
JIP_Kinki 3180219 15
JIP_Kyushu 540338 2
index(tiny_obj, unit = "joint")["ad"]

index() and decompose()

alpha = 2 
alpha-divergence  Reapportionment    Redistricting 
      0.01872325       0.01590448       0.00281877 

Note: "alha-divergence" is sum of "Reapportionment" and "Redisticting" terms.

The \(\alpha\)-divergence in the case of marginalization in district (unit = "l1") matches the value of reapportionment-stage in decomposition.

index(tiny_obj, unit = "l1")["ad"]

The \(\alpha\)-divergence based on joint distribution (unit = "joint") is consistent with \(\alpha\)-divergence in decomposition.

index(tiny_obj, unit = "joint")["ad"]