


Two-step decomposition

\(\alpha\)-divergence (\(D^\alpha\)) can be decomposed in two components—apportionment and districting as follow:

\[ \begin{align} D^{\alpha} = & \underbrace{\sum_{j = 1}^{k} v_j \frac{1}{\alpha (\alpha - 1)} \log{\frac{s_j}{v_j}}}_{\mbox{approtionment term}} + \\ & \underbrace{\sum_{j=1}^{k} (s_j)^\alpha (v_j)^{1 - \alpha} \sum_{i=1}^{k_j} v_{j_i} \frac{1}{\alpha (\alpha - 1)} \Biggl[\biggl(\frac{s_{j_i}}{v_{j_i}}\biggr)^{\alpha} - 1 \Biggr]}_{\mbox{districting term}}\\\ = & D^{\alpha}_{\mbox{apportionment}} + \sum_{j=1}^k W^{\alpha}_j D^{\alpha}_{\mbox{districting}_j}. \end{align} \]

However there are two special cases, \(\alpha \rightarrow 0\) and \(\alpha \rightarrow 1\).

\[ \begin{align} D^0 = & \underbrace{\sum_{j = 1}^{k} v_j \log{\frac{v_j}{s_j}}}_{\mbox{approtionment}} + \underbrace{\sum_{j=1}^{k} v_j \sum_{i=1}^{k_j} v_{j_i} \log{\frac{v_{j_i}}{s_{j_i}}}}_{\mbox{districting}} \\ = & D^0_{\mbox{apportionment}} + \sum_{j=1}^k W^0_j D^0_{\mbox{districting}_j}. \end{align} \]

\[ \begin{align} D^1 = & \underbrace{\sum_{j = 1}^{k} s_j \log{\frac{s_j}{v_j}}}_{\mbox{approtionment}} + \underbrace{\sum_{j=1}^{k} s_j \sum_{i=1}^{k_j} s_{j_i} \log{\frac{s_{j_i}}{v_{j_i}}}}_{\mbox{districting}} \\ = & D^1_{\mbox{apportionment}} + \sum_{j=1}^k W^1_j D^1_{\mbox{districting}_j}. \end{align} \]


obj1 <- prcalc(jp_lower_2021_en,
               m = c(8, 13, 19, 22, 17, 11, 21, 28, 11, 6, 20),
               method = "dt")

obj2 <- prcalc(jp_lower_2021_en,
               m = c(8, 13, 19, 23, 19, 11, 20, 29, 10, 5, 19),
               method = "dt")

obj3 <- prcalc(jp_lower_2021_en,
               m = c(8, 13, 19, 23, 19, 11, 20, 29, 10, 5, 19),
               method = "msl")

alpha = 2 
alpha-divergence  Reapportionment    Redistricting 
     0.054938814      0.002314718      0.052624096 

Note: "alha-divergence" is sum of "Reapportionment" and "Redisticting" terms.
alpha = 2 
alpha-divergence  Reapportionment    Redistricting 
    0.0479196362     0.0003013664     0.0476182698 

Note: "alha-divergence" is sum of "Reapportionment" and "Redisticting" terms.
alpha = 2 
alpha-divergence  Reapportionment    Redistricting 
    0.0397194583     0.0003013664     0.0394180919 

Note: "alha-divergence" is sum of "Reapportionment" and "Redisticting" terms.

Different \(\alpha\) also available. Default is 2.

decompose(obj1, alpha = 0.5)
alpha = 0.5 
alpha-divergence  Reapportionment    Redistricting 
      0.16624217       0.00232946       0.16391271 

Note: "alha-divergence" is sum of "Reapportionment" and "Redisticting" terms.
decompose(obj1, alpha = 1)
alpha = 1 
alpha-divergence  Reapportionment    Redistricting 
     0.091292423      0.002322713      0.088969710 

Note: "alha-divergence" is sum of "Reapportionment" and "Redisticting" terms.
decompose(obj1, alpha = 2)
alpha = 2 
alpha-divergence  Reapportionment    Redistricting 
     0.054938814      0.002314718      0.052624096 

Note: "alha-divergence" is sum of "Reapportionment" and "Redisticting" terms.
decompose(obj1, alpha = 3)
alpha = 3 
alpha-divergence  Reapportionment    Redistricting 
     0.044218023      0.002314004      0.041904020 

Note: "alha-divergence" is sum of "Reapportionment" and "Redisticting" terms.

Three-step Decomposition

If there is a level 0, such as overseas constituencies or minority constituencies, \(\alpha\)-divergence (\(D^\alpha\)) can be decomposed into three components—special, apportionment and districting terms as follow:

\[ \begin{align} D^{\alpha} = & \underbrace{\sum_{h = 1}^{k} v_h \frac{1}{\alpha (\alpha - 1)} \Biggl[\biggl(\frac{s_{h}}{v_{h}}\biggr)^{\alpha} - 1 \Biggr]}_{\mbox{special}} + \\ & \underbrace{\sum_{h = 1}^{k} (s_h)^{\alpha} (v_h)^{1 - \alpha} \sum_{j=1}^{k_j} v_{h_j} \frac{1}{\alpha (\alpha - 1)} \Biggl[\biggl(\frac{s_{h_j}}{v_{h_j}}\biggr)^{\alpha} - 1 \Biggr]}_{\mbox{approtionment}} \\ & \underbrace{\sum_{h = 1}^{k} (s_h)^{\alpha} (v_h)^{1 - \alpha} \sum_{j=1}^{k_j} (s_{h_j})^{\alpha} (v_{h_j})^{1 - \alpha} \sum_{i=1}^{k_{h_j}} v_{h_{j_i}} \frac{1}{\alpha (\alpha - 1)} \Biggl[\biggl(\frac{s_{h_{j_i}}}{v_{h_{j_i}}}\biggr)^{\alpha} - 1 \Biggr]}_{\mbox{districting}} \\ = & D^{\alpha}_{\mbox{special}} + \sum_{h=1}^{k}W_h^{\alpha} D^{\alpha}_{\mbox{apportionment}_h} + \sum_{h=1}^{k} \sum_{j=1}^{k_h} w_{h_j}^{\alpha} D^{\alpha}_{\mbox{districting}_{h_j}}. \end{align} \]

However there are two special cases, \(\alpha \rightarrow 0\) and \(\alpha \rightarrow 1\).

\[ \begin{align} D^0 = & \underbrace{\sum_{h=1}^{k} v_h \biggl(\log{\frac{v_h}{s_h}}\biggr)}_{\mbox{special}} + \underbrace{\sum_{h=1}^{k} v_h \sum_{j=1}^{k_h} v_{h_j} \biggl(\log{\frac{v_{h_j}}{s_{h_j}}}\biggr)}_{\mbox{apportionment}} + \\ & \underbrace{\sum_{h=1}^{k} v_h \sum_{j=1}^{k_h} v_{h_j} \sum_{i=1}^{k_{h_j}} \biggl(\log{\frac{v_{h_{j_i}}}{s_{h_{j_i}}}}\biggr)}_{\mbox{districting}} \\ = & D^0_{\mbox{special}} + \sum_{h=1}^{k}W_h^0 D^0_{\mbox{apportionment}_h} + \sum_{h=1}^{k} \sum_{j=1}^{k_h} w_{h_j}^0 D^0_{\mbox{districting}_{h_j}}. \end{align} \]

\[ \begin{align} D^1 = & \underbrace{\sum_{h=1}^{k} s_h \biggl(\log{\frac{s_h}{v_h}}\biggr)}_{\mbox{special}} + \underbrace{\sum_{h=1}^{k} s_h \sum_{j=1}^{k_h} v_{h_j} \biggl(\log{\frac{s_{h_j}}{v_{h_j}}}\biggr)}_{\mbox{apportionment}} + \\ & \underbrace{\sum_{h=1}^{k} s_h \sum_{j=1}^{k_h} s_{h_j} \sum_{i=1}^{k_{h_j}} \biggl(\log{\frac{s_{h_{j_i}}}{v_{h_{j_i}}}}\biggr)}_{\mbox{districting}} \\ = & D^1_{\mbox{special}} + \sum_{h=1}^{k}W_h^1 D^1_{\mbox{apportionment}_h} + \sum_{h=1}^{k} \sum_{j=1}^{k_h} w_{h_j}^1 D^1_{\mbox{districting}_{h_j}}. \end{align} \]

A special argument must be specified for three-step decomposition. In the case of New Zealand in 1949, four Maori electoral districts were in the special region, "Maori".


nz_1949 <- nz_district |>
  dplyr::filter(year == 1949) |>
  as_prcalc(l1   = "region",
            l2   = "district",
            p    = "electorates",
            q    = "magnitude",
            type = "nested")

   Level2 Maori North South Total
1       1 12781 12754 13690 39225
2       2  8697  9888 16547 35132
3       3  1355 15419 13811 30585
4       4 12063 13096 14841 40000
5       5     0 12831 14297 27128
6       6     0 13698 13157 26855
7       7     0 14915 14120 29035
8       8     0 15419 13527 28946
9       9     0 14002 14419 28421
10     10     0 14515 14397 28912
11     11     0 16097 15412 31509
12     12     0 14117 15824 29941
13     13     0 14518 14571 29089
14     14     0 15049 15487 30536
15     15     0 15480 16297 31777
16     16     0 13714 14537 28251
17     17     0 14495 14950 29445
18     18     0 14000 16063 30063
19     19     0 15268 16035 31303
20     20     0 14570 14518 29088
21     21     0 14589 15080 29669
22     22     0 12839 14296 27135
23     23     0 15039 14628 29667
24     24     0 15589 14041 29630
25     25     0 15068 13374 28442
26     26     0 15658 14608 30266
27     27     0 18209     0 18209
28     28     0 16445     0 16445
29     29     0 17794     0 17794
30     30     0 13894     0 13894
31     31     0 15260     0 15260
32     32     0 12497     0 12497
33     33     0 14784     0 14784
34     34     0 14196     0 14196
35     35     0 14131     0 14131
36     36     0 13774     0 13774
37     37     0 15325     0 15325
38     38     0 13925     0 13925
39     39     0 13655     0 13655
40     40     0 15655     0 15655
41     41     0 15324     0 15324
42     42     0 16460     0 16460
43     43     0 15515     0 15515
44     44     0 14286     0 14286
45     45     0 15683     0 15683
46     46     0 14872     0 14872
47     47     0 17131     0 17131
48     48     0 14076     0 14076
49     49     0 14863     0 14863
50     50     0 10944     0 10944

   Level2 Maori North South Total
1       1     1     1     1     3
2       2     1     1     1     3
3       3     1     1     1     3
4       4     1     1     1     3
5       5     0     1     1     2
6       6     0     1     1     2
7       7     0     1     1     2
8       8     0     1     1     2
9       9     0     1     1     2
10     10     0     1     1     2
11     11     0     1     1     2
12     12     0     1     1     2
13     13     0     1     1     2
14     14     0     1     1     2
15     15     0     1     1     2
16     16     0     1     1     2
17     17     0     1     1     2
18     18     0     1     1     2
19     19     0     1     1     2
20     20     0     1     1     2
21     21     0     1     1     2
22     22     0     1     1     2
23     23     0     1     1     2
24     24     0     1     1     2
25     25     0     1     1     2
26     26     0     1     1     2
27     27     0     1     0     1
28     28     0     1     0     1
29     29     0     1     0     1
30     30     0     1     0     1
31     31     0     1     0     1
32     32     0     1     0     1
33     33     0     1     0     1
34     34     0     1     0     1
35     35     0     1     0     1
36     36     0     1     0     1
37     37     0     1     0     1
38     38     0     1     0     1
39     39     0     1     0     1
40     40     0     1     0     1
41     41     0     1     0     1
42     42     0     1     0     1
43     43     0     1     0     1
44     44     0     1     0     1
45     45     0     1     0     1
46     46     0     1     0     1
47     47     0     1     0     1
48     48     0     1     0     1
49     49     0     1     0     1
50     50     0     1     0     1

  Allocation method: 
  Extra parameter: 

Maori North South 
    4    50    26 

These four Maori electoral districts are treated as a special region ("Maori") and assigned to special argument (special = "Maori").

decompose(nz_1949, alpha = 1, special = "Maori")
alpha = 1 
alpha-divergence          Special  Reapportionment    Redistricting 
    2.388943e-02     5.493500e-03     3.683160e-06     1.839225e-02 

Note: "alha-divergence" is sum of "Special", "Reapportionment" and "Redisticting" terms.


compare(list("D'Hondt"                           = decompose(obj1),
             "D'Hondt + Modified magnitudes"     = decompose(obj2),
             "Modified-SL + Modified magnitudes" = decompose(obj3))) 
              Type D'Hondt D'Hondt + Modified magnitudes
1 Alpha-divergence 0.05494                      0.047920
2  Reapportionment 0.00231                      0.000301
3    Redistricting 0.05262                      0.047618
  Modified-SL + Modified magnitudes
1                          0.039719
2                          0.000301
3                          0.039418
Note: "alpha-divergence" is sum of "Reapportionment" and "Redisticting" terms.
list("Scenario 1" = decompose(obj1),
     "Scenario 2" = decompose(obj2),
     "Scenario 3" = decompose(obj3)) |> 
  compare() |> 
  print(use_gt = TRUE, digits = 5)
Type Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3
Alpha-divergence 0.05494 0.04792 0.03972
Reapportionment 0.00231 0.00030 0.00030
Redistricting 0.05262 0.04762 0.03942
Note: "alpha-divergence" is sum of "Reapportionment" and "Redisticting" terms.



nz_1972 <- nz_district |>
  dplyr::filter(year == 1972) |>
  as_prcalc(l1   = "region",
            l2   = "district",
            p    = "electorates",
            q    = "magnitude",
            type = "nested")

nz_1990 <- nz_district |>
  dplyr::filter(year == 1990) |>
  as_prcalc(l1   = "region",
            l2   = "district",
            p    = "electorates",
            q    = "magnitude",
            type = "nested")

nz_2011 <- nz_district |>
  dplyr::filter(year == 2011) |>
  as_prcalc(l1   = "region",
            l2   = "district",
            p    = "electorates",
            q    = "magnitude",
            type = "nested")

decompose_1949 <- decompose(nz_1949, alpha = 1, special = "Maori")
decompose_1972 <- decompose(nz_1972, alpha = 1, special = "Maori")
decompose_1990 <- decompose(nz_1990, alpha = 1, special = "Maori")
decompose_2011 <- decompose(nz_2011, alpha = 1, special = "Maori")

nz_compare <- list("1949" = decompose_1949,
                   "1972" = decompose_1972,
                   "1990" = decompose_1990,
                   "2011" = decompose_2011) |> 

print(nz_compare, use_gt = TRUE, digits = 5)
Type 1949 1972 1990 2011
Alpha-divergence 0.02389 0.00454 0.00358 0.00181
Special 0.00549 0.00162 0.00017 0.00131
Reapportionment 0.00000 0.00001 0.00017 0.00000
Redistricting 0.01839 0.00291 0.00324 0.00050
Note: "alpha-divergence" is sum of "Special", "Reapportionment" and "Redisticting" terms.
nz_compare |> 
  plot() +
  labs(x = "Year (D1)",
       title = "Electoral districts in New Zealand",
       caption = expression(paste("Three-step decomposition with ", alpha, " = 1")))

list("1949" = decompose_1949,
     "1972" = decompose_1972,
     "1990" = decompose_1990,
     "2011" = decompose_2011) |> 
  compare() |> 
  plot(percentage = TRUE) +
  labs(x = "Year (D1)", y = "(%)",
       title = "Electoral districts in New Zealand",
       caption = expression(paste("Three-step decomposition with ", alpha, " = 1")))

Compatibility with {purrr}

# 1949-2011
nz_decompose_all <- nz_district |> 
  group_by(year) |> 
  nest() |> 
  mutate(data      = map(data, \(x) as_prcalc(x,
                                              l1   = "region",
                                              l2   = "district",
                                              p    = "electorates",
                                              q    = "magnitude",
                                              type = "nested")),
         decompose = map(data, \(x) decompose(x, 
                                              alpha      = 0,
                                              special    = "Maori"))) |> 

names(nz_decompose_all) <- unique(nz_district$year)

nz_decompose_all |> 
  compare() |> 
  print(use_gt = TRUE, digits = 5)
Type 1949 1951 1954 1957 1960 1963 1966 1969 1972 1975 1978 1981 1984 1987 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008 2011
Alpha-divergence 0.01399 0.01648 0.00817 0.00572 0.00707 0.00437 0.00783 0.00460 0.00430 0.00511 0.00653 0.00405 0.00298 0.00297 0.00354 0.00340 0.00168 0.00207 0.00230 0.00236 0.00160 0.00175
Special 0.00469 0.00359 0.00322 0.00262 0.00180 0.00147 0.00156 0.00153 0.00149 0.00121 0.00001 0.00050 0.00037 0.00026 0.00016 0.00014 0.00080 0.00156 0.00178 0.00171 0.00113 0.00125
Reapportionment 0.00000 0.00001 0.00016 0.00000 0.00008 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 0.00001 0.00015 0.00002 0.00000 0.00006 0.00026 0.00017 0.00034 0.00002 0.00002 0.00003 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000
Redistricting 0.00930 0.01288 0.00480 0.00310 0.00519 0.00285 0.00627 0.00303 0.00281 0.00375 0.00650 0.00355 0.00255 0.00245 0.00320 0.00291 0.00086 0.00049 0.00049 0.00065 0.00046 0.00050
Note: "alpha-divergence" is sum of "Special", "Reapportionment" and "Redisticting" terms.
nz_decompose_all |> 
  compare() |> 
  plot(value_type = "total", value_angle = 90, 
       x_angle = 45, border_width = 0.5, digits = 6, border_color = "white") +
  coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 0.025)) +
  labs(title = "Electoral districts in New Zealand (1949-2011)",
       caption = expression(paste("Note: Three-step decomposition with ", alpha, " = 2")))

nz_decompose_all |> 
  compare() |> 
  plot(facet = TRUE, value_size = 2, digits = 5)

Comparison between index() and decompose()

Please see “Marginal and joint distribution” in Measuring disproportionality.